A lot of thing happen all at once sometimes. That sometimes is now and I feel so behind. Its like I'm trying to catch up to something but I'm already way past it.
Then I stop to breathe for a moment, and I feel overwhelmed with a do list, but then totally calm and collected. I'm not sure what emotion to call this but I'm feeling it.
All this week I've tried to feel grateful. I said, I need to feel grateful so I sat down, closed my eyes real tight, and said
To no surprise, I felt nothing and the rest of the week I felt like a horrible loser for a person.
Until now...I feel grateful right now. Magical is another word that can describe me to.
I mean for me and globally a lot has happened this week.
I started a new college this week. It is near by my old college but my old college stopped carrying classes I want/need to take so I can transfer to a University. This new school is pretty stressful. I feel 18 again, totally new to the campus and not familiar with any of my surroundings. I had to ask where the administration building was and I felt SO embarrassed! I was trying to pin point what made me feel the most uncomfortable and it is the unfamiliarity with the strangers around me. I know it sounds weird but let me explain.
So at my old college I didn't have any friends. Nobody waited for me after class, or drove with me to school. I walked the halls, and sat in the library a lone. BUT, and that's a big BUT, I did recognize my strangers. I didn't know their name, or their major, or who they were at all. But I sought comfort in the fact that I saw them everyday and that was enough. At this new place I don't recognize any strangers. What's worse is that I do recognize people I knew from high school and have no intention to ever try to reconnect with them anymore. I do have two friends who go and I take one class with one. This is a small comfort, and I am grateful for that.
I thought I should just say a little bit about my feelings on...
...The country of Haiti. The 4th poorest country in the entire globe
is trying to survive this horrible earthquake and I'm not even like moved to tears. That isn't normal right? Should I feel horrible? Am I allowed to not feel horrible? I mean I quite literally feel grateful that if I have go through an earthquake all I have to worry about is getting out of harms way. I don't have to worry about what I'm going to eat or sleep or how I'm going to survive this. I feel grateful now but I certainly didn't when I found out about the Haitian earthquake and that's why I feel guilty. I'm trying to understand what I should feel when devastating things happen in other places. Most of the time I don't.
I feel a lot of this disconnect has to do with the understand on the economic side. For example, America is a WONDERFUL country. I love being born and raise and alive in this great country.
With that to be said, We are great and all we do continue to out "Great" ourselves. For example we give all this money to the relief effort but who does? I mean if we had to compare all the money given to all the tragedies that happened in the past 10 years who would be America's close second? How far off of their donations would they be from us? A better question maybe, is America number one? Or is it just portrayed this way?
Also most of my friends lost their jobs this week. It totally blows because they are good people and don't deserve to not get paid every two weeks. On the other hand I feel like they didn't permanently lose their jobs, its only for a little while. The store had to close, SO they could reopen. I just feel afraid because it is not a definite decision that all of the employees will be brought back. Do I feel bad because I did make the cut?
As you can tell I have a lot of conflicting feelings. I just want to know how I am supposed to feel. I want to be a good person and I know it is wrong to compare who helped better, who cares more and all that, but that's what people do these days. We compare whose better, whose prettier, who has the better heart.
I don't think I could win any of these awards. I try to love people the best I can but I feel like I fail mostly. I'm overbearing, judgemental, and conceited. I'm trying to change but its an every day struggle and sometimes I feel grateful because I can struggle this way.
Just one more piece of slightly depressing news...
I saw the movie The Lovely Bones tonight. It was really good. I cried like a baby because I was just overcome with the feeling of loss. I've experienced loss in my life but no one in my immediate family. I have my mother (thank you), my father (thank you), and my siblings (thank you x2). But what truly affected me was the idea of losing any of these people, especially my father. I'm not spoiling anything here when I say that the movie is about a little girl who is murdered and the aftermath of this tragedy. The dad, played by Mark Walberg, really touched me because he gave me hope that, the way he acted would be how my father would avenge my death, if he needed to. There was this line, "My murderer didn't know how much a father could love his daughter." I'm crying as I type this because I don't think I've felt as loved by my father as I have last year and so far this year. I would be devastated if I ever lost him or anyone else that I love so dearly. So Thank You people in my life whom I love, because you make grateful for being alive and having you in it.
ANYWAYS! *wipes tears*
The Golden Globes were tonight, and I love award shows because they are so glamorous!! I love glamour and movie stars. Cinema is so magical and I just drool over all the pretty ladies, and their dresses. I also LOVE the men. I'm quite the grave robber because I find men like Daniel Day Lewis, Colin Firth, and Tom Hanks to be just some of the most handsome men on earth. I SHOULD drool over men more my age range like John Krasinski, Taylor Launter, and Robert Downey Jr. (I lie, HE'S HANDSOME!) but I totally don't. I don't care.
So this week, I am going to try to be a good student, be grateful, and be studious. I am also going to TRY to keep my room clean and not be a hoarder.
I hope your week was good too! Meow about it in comments.